Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Twilight Movie!!!
ok, you know I had to write about this someday! its so exciting! The movie comes out like a couple months after the harry potter movie on the 12/12/08!! yay!!! The preview for the movie will be at the beginning of hte Indiana Jones and Speed Racer movies! I'm going to go with my dad to see the Speed Racer movie just to see that preview and then i will just leave him in the theater and watch another movie! Im a true stephenie meyer fanatic and I've been trying to keep up with all teh blogs on her website! ahhhh!!!!!! ahahhahaha! Im laughing at myself. I'm a loser.
Monday, April 28, 2008
itty bitty tiny things
I am freaking out man! I'm gonna turn into a germaphobe!!!!!! Ahhhh!!! There are creepy little germs everywhere! THere are dust mites, which I'm allergic to, in my pillow!!!!!!!!!!!! Ima breath em in when im asleepy!!!!!!!!!
Yea right! How could you believe I, Rachel, am a germaphobe! That was all fake.........cough, cough....OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea right! How could you believe I, Rachel, am a germaphobe! That was all fake.........cough, cough....OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Bush's Proclamation
Yay! Today is the 25th of April!! This day in history what happened? Haha, if you listen to XM radio then this will sound familiar! Yay! Well this day in history this stuff:
i thought the radio said something about launching the apollo...but i couldnt find it so....yea....but today Bush is signing a proclamation about being aware of malaria!!! yay!!! except there is the whole thing in biology where it is like making it good to be a carrier of sickle malaria is extra bad!!!
i thought the radio said something about launching the apollo...but i couldnt find it so....yea....but today Bush is signing a proclamation about being aware of malaria!!! yay!!! except there is the whole thing in biology where it is like making it good to be a carrier of sickle malaria is extra bad!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Well hi everybody! hyuck uck! I just gots back from Italy 2 days ago! Yay! It was so beautiful there! I can't describe it. If you ever have a chance to travel there then you should definatly go! Even if you arent in an art class or latin class or italian class...ive never actually heard of an italian class in high shcool but....whatevs.....yea so its not springtime gloomies anymore it is now sunshine and daisies! yay! harry pottter! ima nerd! byes! ill post some pics soon!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Do you believe in destiny?
I do. At least sometimes. I think that you create your own destiny. By making choices you change it so it is definatly not set in stone. But lets say I decide to marry a hobo, a very nice one, but a homeless person. I will have just changed my path, the course I am taking in life. Do you see what I mean? People talk about fate like there is no stopping it but I think you control your own life. Making good choices may not always work out for the best later. You never know. I mau be a god-faring person but that doesnt mean I think he controls mine and others thoughts. If he does it's gotta be past my understanding of the mind. One person, even if he could bend time and space and other such mighty things, wouldn't want to, or be able to control the thoughts of 6 billion + beings on our hugely populated planet. And if there are otehr life forms out they have the same god as us? Anyway...about the sembient beings on THIS planet. What about animals, insects, and all teh little things, like bacteria. They dont have brains and neither do plants but they are alive. Does god control them? Maybe they are better in touch with god because they are in touch with him? Is it a bad thing to think for ourslves? Sometimes it can be nice to jsut let someone else be in charge but still...wouldnt it be nice if we could claim that we solved most of our problems on our own? Without the help of an all-knowing being? I think so. Maybe this is gods test. To see if we can withstand things like greed and selfishness. I'm sounding like some kind of prophet or something here but thats another thing. There are so many people in history claiming to be prophets taht there was eitehr some mass histeria that was passed down over the centuries to occur again in lots of different people, which sounds unlikely. Or, they may have been telling the truth. Have non religious people ever thought of that? How, for example, could Moses, who was normal for his whole life, suddenly develop crazyness that made him believe he was speaking for god? PLus all teh things he did were recorded! What about that? There is no record of him falling on his head or anything either...well think on that...and if, God, you are reading my thoughts i correct? No, dont tell me, Im not worthy enough to be teh next prophet. And, quite frankly, I dont want to be called a crazy person in this overly populated planet we call earth.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Join the Dark Side!!!
We have cookies! No really, we do. I'm eating one right now! Girl Scouts make the best stuff. I feel like I've kind of missed out, not ever trying girl scouts. By the time I was ready to try being one they were out of style...those little green outfits were ugly is my favorite color about I dont understand other people...
Its hard to get how people want you to act. Should I laugh or was it not meant to be funny? Should I sympathize or make fun of? What to do what to do...omg! we dont have to take the national latin exam! hurrah! sorry, interrupting, on with the I sometimes think about what people would think if they read my mind while I was walking past or sitting near them. I've never really stopped to think about if I could read theirs...I blame Twilight for even putting those thoughts in my head, it makes me self concious even inside my head! Ahhhh!!!!
Its hard to get how people want you to act. Should I laugh or was it not meant to be funny? Should I sympathize or make fun of? What to do what to do...omg! we dont have to take the national latin exam! hurrah! sorry, interrupting, on with the I sometimes think about what people would think if they read my mind while I was walking past or sitting near them. I've never really stopped to think about if I could read theirs...I blame Twilight for even putting those thoughts in my head, it makes me self concious even inside my head! Ahhhh!!!!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Italian Cuisine
So yea...I get to go on this awesome experience, a ten day trip to italy right? But i have to miss like a week of important things! A field trip, well 2, and I was thinking of other things but i dont want to talk about those.....yea, so never mind, my hand hurts....I've got to get out of my funk!
Friday, April 4, 2008
have you ever touched a porcupine?
I have. And it hurts a lot more than you think it would.
I need a hug now...gots quills in my butt
I'm the boredest person in the world today...if you've notist that I've been acting kinda wierd then there ya go...
I need a hug now...gots quills in my butt
I'm the boredest person in the world today...if you've notist that I've been acting kinda wierd then there ya go...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
black nail polish reaaally angry right now. Want to know why? Ask me. There is no way to explain fully with no emotion or without seeing teh expression on my face when I talk but I'll give you the basics anyway because you probably dont care and dont want to hear me rant on and on about builders. Well, my dad is one and what makes me all the more angry is that he says he would probably do the same thing in his position. If you are a builder and you're reading this then know that you are killing us! People like me who are "environmental freaks" should be listened to! YOU are the ones killing our source of oxygen...trees! Life giving, wonderful trees! They are trying, slowly but surely, to save our planet by undoing the destruction we humans are causing on the earth. I know you've heard about global warming about a gazillion times so I'll save my lecture on saving energy and water for another time but just one fact before I tell you the actual story and stop ranting: If every american home, jsut us Americans, uses just one energy efficient light bulb then we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes for a year, more than $600 million in annual energy costs, and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of more than 800,000 cars! That's pretty impressive, you've got to say! And just because I have 3 in my house doesnt mean you can get away with not doing this! Its not that much to ask, they only cost a few cents more! Check them out! Okay, on with the story. Imagine, you've been living in this beautiful house for about 4 or 5 years and you all love it. Sure its a little big for y'all compared to the smaller house you had downtown which was waaaay too small for 5 people and 2 dogs. So you love this house and, as a reader, love to sit outside and enjoy the small wooded area in the back of the house. It doesnt belong to you. About a year ago a building company bought it and the large area of land around it and started a new subdivision. This subdivision soon decides it wants to build on the land right behind your house which belongs to a much older subdivision that has been there for a while. They decide they are going to build a house right, and I mean right, behind yours. Well, you dont really understand it at the time exactly what they are going to do but you know your parents have bought a little slice of land right behind your house to save some trees as well as keep them from building right on top of you. You thought at first that they wouldnt cut down all the trees, only a few, but you were wrong. You forgot to factor in that these trees are on a sloping hill that goes into a small valley with a river. How were they going to build a house on a slop? It had to be flat ground. So one day you come home to find that they have marked off the area that is theirs and a day later the area where trees will be cut down, not even saving the smaller ones to be replanted elsewhere. All of those beautiful trees that have been trying to grow for many, many years. And these trees arent even old for trees. They are very young, being cut down while they are in their glory years. Turning colors in the fall, blooming beautiful blossoms in the spring, turning bright green in summer and reminding us that life isnt all, school and burying our heads in books, and finally it is being covered with snow in winter and lending their branches to use to use as snowman arms. Trees give so much to us. This subdivision does not need to cut down all these trees in order to get to teh ordinary dirt in an ordinary hill that is making their natural earth hard to build on. I say build somewhere else on that huge land that you own! You've already cut down gazillions of trees so why not a few more? I'll say why. In a few years the smoke and refuse from the houses you and others like you have built will have killed us all. Bringing global warming to a climax and helping the earth to get to another warming period unnaturaly! The ice caps are melting people! Global warming is real and it's happening now! I said I wouldnt give you my lecture and I wont but...good god. If you are one of those people who think this is natural you are the crazy freak, not me! You are the one who is pretending we dont have problems on this planet of ours when we do! We have a lot of problems! And we need to act, even if it is something small! Although, like in the Islamic religion it is not the fullest of your extent! The people who are reading this blog are rich enough to buy a computer so you should at least do one small thing, like me! Energy efficient light bulbs, we're starting to recycle, I'm helping our school to turn green, you could start a compost heap, help pick litter off the streets, help the Jews plant trees on Tu'Bshevat Day! Somthing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a message from yo mamma;
"Save me honey! I'm being destroyed by you and your people! I'm not that green any more! I don't feel very good! I love you but you need to save me! Love, mother earth. P.S. Go green!"
"Save me honey! I'm being destroyed by you and your people! I'm not that green any more! I don't feel very good! I love you but you need to save me! Love, mother earth. P.S. Go green!"
well....I feel like crap...
and thats life right? LIFE IS CRAP!!! I wish that life made sense and didnt hurt you and that everything was just sugar and spice and everything nice, but its not!! Its colds and death and sufferiung and do I sound goth to you because I FEEL goth today...Ima stop now.
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