Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Do you believe in destiny?

I do. At least sometimes. I think that you create your own destiny. By making choices you change it so it is definatly not set in stone. But lets say I decide to marry a hobo, a very nice one, but a homeless person. I will have just changed my path, the course I am taking in life. Do you see what I mean? People talk about fate like there is no stopping it but I think you control your own life. Making good choices may not always work out for the best later. You never know. I mau be a god-faring person but that doesnt mean I think he controls mine and others thoughts. If he does it's gotta be past my understanding of the mind. One person, even if he could bend time and space and other such mighty things, wouldn't want to, or be able to control the thoughts of 6 billion + beings on our hugely populated planet. And if there are otehr life forms out there....do they have the same god as us? Anyway...about the sembient beings on THIS planet. What about animals, insects, and all teh little things, like bacteria. They dont have brains and neither do plants but they are alive. Does god control them? Maybe they are better in touch with god because they are in touch with him? Is it a bad thing to think for ourslves? Sometimes it can be nice to jsut let someone else be in charge but still...wouldnt it be nice if we could claim that we solved most of our problems on our own? Without the help of an all-knowing being? I think so. Maybe this is gods test. To see if we can withstand things like greed and selfishness. I'm sounding like some kind of prophet or something here but thats another thing. There are so many people in history claiming to be prophets taht there was eitehr some mass histeria that was passed down over the centuries to occur again in lots of different people, which sounds unlikely. Or, they may have been telling the truth. Have non religious people ever thought of that? How, for example, could Moses, who was normal for his whole life, suddenly develop crazyness that made him believe he was speaking for god? PLus all teh things he did were recorded! What about that? There is no record of him falling on his head or anything either...well think on that...and if, God, you are reading my thoughts now...am i correct? No, dont tell me, Im not worthy enough to be teh next prophet. And, quite frankly, I dont want to be called a crazy person in this overly populated planet we call earth.


Magpie said...

wow Rae, um...I think history class is getting to your head...but after reading this post it's really making me think hard too.

Rae said...

yea....mine hurts too...im gonna read ur blog now!