Monday, April 7, 2008

Join the Dark Side!!!

We have cookies! No really, we do. I'm eating one right now! Girl Scouts make the best stuff. I feel like I've kind of missed out, not ever trying girl scouts. By the time I was ready to try being one they were out of style...those little green outfits were ugly is my favorite color about I dont understand other people...
Its hard to get how people want you to act. Should I laugh or was it not meant to be funny? Should I sympathize or make fun of? What to do what to do...omg! we dont have to take the national latin exam! hurrah! sorry, interrupting, on with the I sometimes think about what people would think if they read my mind while I was walking past or sitting near them. I've never really stopped to think about if I could read theirs...I blame Twilight for even putting those thoughts in my head, it makes me self concious even inside my head! Ahhhh!!!!


Magpie said...

believe me Rae, you didn't miss out on anything. girl scouts...I shudder at the thought! I gotta love that book though! And yes, I sometimes wonder what other people think about me. Especially Nate! But the more I think about it, I would rather not know, because then there wouldn't be any surprises in the world.

Rae said... really commented on all of mine didnt u?